Broadway Baby Read online

Page 5

  Opening her eyes for the second time that morning Shelby gave Lily a tired smile. “Good morning to you, darling. That was quite the surprise for a wake-up call.”

  “A good surprise, I hope,” Lily teased.

  “A wonderful surprise, lover.” Shelby then claimed Lily’s mouth with hers, and as the kiss deepened, it was her turn to return the favor to the younger woman.

  * * *

  Handing Shelby a cup of coffee Lily put her own mug on the table before slipping into Shelby’s lap as the woman curled on the couch. “This morning was nice.”

  “Yes it was,” Shelby agreed, reaching around Lily to place her mug next to Lily’s on the coffee table. Hugging Lily close to her Shelby began to play with the mahogany locks. “You have a very talented tongue.”

  “Thank you,” Lily blushed. “Though I must say you know how to make a bath very, very enjoyable.”

  “I try.” Shelby sighed in contentment as Lily relaxed into her tucking her head on Shelby’s shoulder.

  “So what are the plans for today?” Lily asked.

  “That depends. Are Lily and Shelby spending the day together until the show or Lily and Mama?”

  “I’m thinking Lily and Shelby need to break in this couch before Lily and Mama go out for a chocolate babka.”

  “Chocolate babka, huh?”

  “Uh-huh,” Lily turned in Shelby’s lap to straddle the woman as they began to kiss once more.

  “Only if Lily eats all her lunch,” Shelby teased as her hands slid under Lily’s shirt to cup the woman’s breasts.

  “No problem,” Lily responded before removing her shirt and allowing Shelby to have her way with her body once more.

  * * *

  Shelby watched as Lily gave a look of pure bliss when she bit into her hamburger. Picking up her own burger, Shelby mirrored the look as Lily smirked.

  “I told you hamburger and fries were better than scrambled eggs.”

  “Oh I know they’re better. If I could, I’d eat a hamburger and fries or pizza as often as possible.”

  “Really?” Lily dipped a fry in ketchup before consuming it. “I never would have guessed. Especially since you have all that healthy stuff in the apartment.”

  Laughing at the wrinkled nose and frown coming from Lily, Shelby snatched one of the younger woman’s fries. “Just because I would eat this every day doesn’t mean that I should and neither should you.”


  “Nope, you and I will probably eat in most of the time and you know as well as I do that the better we eat the better we are at our job.”

  “Come on, Shelby. Seriously? What’s wrong with just grabbing something small before the show or after?”

  “Nothing once in a while, but not all the time.”

  Shelby watched as Lily frowned and began to play with her napkin. “I told you that I liked to be in charge, Lily Anne. What you eat is part of that control whether you are with Mama or Shelby. I only want the best for you and cooking for us is an easy way to give you what I think is best. It’s just like going to our vocal coaches weekly, or the doctor when we’re sick.”

  “I guess,” Lily sighed and took another bite of her sandwich chewing it while she thought. “But we can do this sometimes, right? Pizza or burgers or Chinese takeout?”

  Shelby nodded, “Of course, I have an entire drawer in the kitchen devoted to New York’s best take out.”

  “I knew there was hope for you,” Lily teased protesting as Shelby snatched another of her fries.

  “Shelby?” Lily asked after they had both finished eating.

  “Yes?” Shelby answered as she picked up the check and made to get her billfold out of her purse.

  “What if I really want to eat something when I’m with Shelby but she doesn’t think I should have it?”

  Walking up to the counter together Shelby was quiet as she made the transaction and led them from the restaurant. “Then you and I can discuss it like adults. Just know that you may not always get what you want, even when you are big.”

  “And if Lily is with Mama and she really wants something?”

  “I think you already know the answer to that,” Shelby replied quietly. “However if you need to hear it, then know that Mama makes the final decisions. Always.”

  Lily nodded and smiled up at the older woman. “Just making sure. Now, I do believe that I ate all my lunch which means you owe me a chocolate babka.”

  Pretending to act confused Shelby wrinkled her brow, “Chocolate babka, chocolate babka, doesn’t ring a bell but since I happen to adore the stuff I guess we could manage to go and find one.”

  “And then what?” Lily asked.

  “And then we go home and rest before enjoying some of that babka and heading to the theater.”

  “Could we watch a movie?” Lily asked as they entered the bakery.

  “I don’t see why not. What would you like to watch?”

  “I want to see Elsa build that ice castle again,” Lily answered running to the bakery case and smiling at the chocolate babka just waiting for her to eat.

  “Sounds good to me,” Shelby responded as she watched the almost imperceptible change as big Lily became little Lily and they took a number and waited to be called.

  * * *

  “Great show,” Steve acknowledged walking into Lily’s dressing room. “You wanna head out with Cally and me for a burger and fries in a few?”

  Lily picked up her purse and was ready to agree when Shelby chose that moment to walk into her line of sight. “I’m sure she’d love to but she can’t. The only place Lily is going is home with me.”

  Entering the dressing room fully, Shelby noticed the slight pout on Lily’s mouth and the change in posture as Lily flopped into the makeup chair. “Oh come on,” Steve protested. “It’s not like we’ll let her get blasted again.”

  “Sorry, Steve,” Lily said. “Mama has spoken.”

  “Shelby has spoken?” Cally interrupted pushing her way past Shelby and Steve to throw herself onto the couch. “What has she spoken about?”

  “Apparently she’s taking this whole looking out for Lily thing seriously,” Steve smirked. “Mama says no burgers and fries for little sister tonight.”

  “Awww,” Cally teased. “Are you grounded?”

  “No!” Lily sat up and glared at Shelby. “Look guys, thanks for the invite but no, I won’t be joining you. Now if you could all just get the hell out of my dressing room I’d appreciate it.”

  “Come on, Lily,” Cally sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just weird is all…”

  “Yeah,” Steve agreed. “No offence, Shelby, but how come the squirt is living with you anyway?”

  “Does bringing her to my house drunk a little over a week ago ring any bells?” Shelby asked fully entering the small space and closing the door. “Apparently Marvin and Lou worried about their underage star getting blasted down at the club so Lily and I decided she would move in with me until further notice.”


  Lily looked up at Steve and watched as he ran his hand through his curly black hair before looking back at her, “Yeah. Look, it’s not like I was doing so great on my own, right? You know as well as I do that negative press wouldn’t help this show considering what it’s about.”

  Steve nodded, “Teenage love, loss, redemption, and complex mother daughter shit.” He laughed. “We must be doing something right though.”

  “Why do you say that?” Lily sat up straighter.

  “Tony rumors are hitting hard,” he grinned. “Seems that folks are saying Shelby is going to get another nod for her role as are you.”

  Shelby waved her hand dismissively, “Maybe Steve, but rumors are just that, rumors. Now if the two of you will excuse us, we need to get home. I’m tired and therefore Lily must leave too.” Shelby winked at the younger actors as Lily groaned.

  “Mama, that is so not fair.”

  Cally’s la
ugh rang in the room, “No wonder you two do so well on stage as mother and daughter; you really love giving each other a hard time, don’t you? Come on, Steve there’s a burger down at the diner with my name on it. Catch you later, Lily, if Mama here ever lets you go out alone again.”

  “Why did you have to do that?” Lily demanded as Shelby closed the dressing room door again. “Now they’re going to tease me all the time about it. It’s bad enough being the youngest in the show but now I’m going to constantly get torn up about having my mama watching my every move.”

  Shelby’s long strides made quick work of crossing the room and her hand was under Lily’s chin forcing her to look into Shelby’s eyes. “You do not use that tone with me, Lily Anne. I understand that you are upset but don’t you ever speak to me that way again. Do you understand me?”

  Lily nodded.

  “Use your words, Lily Anne.”

  “Yes, Mama, I understand.”

  “Good,” Shelby let go of Lily’s chin and gentled her voice. “I’m sorry about Steve and Cally teasing you about this, but we knew bringing this part of our relationship to work might have challenges. Let’s give it a while and if they’re still giving you a hard time let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

  Lily huffed as Shelby chuckled, “Besides, it’s not as if you’ll never be able to go out for burgers and fries with them alone ever again. But we have matinee tomorrow as well as an evening show. I want you to rest your voice tonight.”

  “So if they ask on a night we don’t have a double show or on Sunday since we don’t work Monday then I could go?” Lily asked.

  Shelby leaned down and gently kissed Lily, “I don’t see why not unless you really are grounded,” Shelby teased.


  “Come on, little girl. Grab your bag and let’s head out. I imagine we’ll still have a few autographs to sign at the stage door before we get home.”

  * * *

  Lily toed off her tennis shoes as they entered the apartment and dropped her bag before shedding her light jacket to land in the pile. Shimming out of her jeans as well, Lily moved straight for the kitchen and had managed to reach the large bag of cookies Shelby had left on the counter earlier. She was just about to open the bag when a low voice stopped her cold, “Lily Anne Prescott, do not move.”

  “Uh, hi Mama.” Lily turned around and waved slowly. “I told you I could beat you to the apartment. I ran really fast all the way here and left you in the dust.”

  “You don’t think that you stopping and encouraging the night man to discuss the pros and cons of allowing his daughter to study musical theater at NYU with me didn’t help you in getting here before me at all?”

  Lily shook her head, “Nope. Not one bit.” Her hands slid toward the cookie bag once more and Shelby easily crossed the room and took the bag from Lily. Placing it on top of the refrigerator, out of Lily’s reach, Shelby then turned and placed a well-aimed swat on the girl’s panty clad bottom. “Go put your pajamas on and then head back out here. I’ll make us a snack.”

  “Cookies and hot chocolate?” Dark eyes were accompanied by the sweetest pout Shelby had ever seen.

  “Nice try, Lily. There will be no cookies tonight.” Encouraging Lily to change with another swat, Shelby watched Lily scamper from the room before busying herself with making a light snack for them.

  Shelby was still amazed at how easily and quickly Lily slipped into the role of child, and though they had enjoyed some wonderful grown up time too, she loved playing the Mama to her little girl. Lily made it easy though. She truly loved being Shelby’s little girl and Shelby resolved to make sure they had more play time so that Lily could explore being little as much as Shelby could indulge in being Lily’s Mama.

  “I’m ready for my snack, Mama.” Turning from the counter Shelby couldn’t help but smile at the sight that met her eyes. Lily had put on a hot pink short set covered with cartoon characters and was carrying Albie in her arms.

  “Well then have a seat, little girl.”

  Lily skipped to the table and sat down allowing her feet to swing while she waited. “One PB and J with a glass of almond milk for Lily,” Shelby announced, “and one PB and J with a glass of water for Mama.”

  Noticing how Lily wrinkled her nose and looked at the sandwich in front of her, Shelby hoped the girl wasn’t going to fight her on eating the sandwich. Seeing Lily’s eyes dart to the top of the refrigerator where she had placed the cookies Shelby wondered what would come next as Lily lifted the top piece of bread before frowning and leaving it untouched on the plate.

  “What’s wrong, Lily?”

  “I don’t like the sandwich, Mama.”

  “Why not?”

  “You put funny jelly on it,” Lily’s nose wrinkled as she began to pick the sandwich apart. “Nobody wants red jelly on their peanut butter. Everybody knows that. And can’t I have soda to drink? You know I shouldn’t have dairy. It wreaks havoc on my vocal cords.”

  Raising an eyebrow Shelby placed her own half eaten sandwich on her plate. “I told you that it’s almond milk, you’re fine, no soda. And you’ve had red jelly on your peanut butter before, eat up.”

  Lily nodded and ignored Shelby, “Yup. Guess I’ll just have to have cookies instead. You wouldn’t want me to starve.”

  “You are not going to starve. You liked the strawberry jelly on your toast yesterday, Lily. Eat your sandwich.”

  “But strawberry is gross on peanut butter. It’s only okay on toast, nothing else. It’s even gross on bagels.” Lily rolled her eyes and began to get off her chair.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Um, to get the cookies?”

  “Sit down, eat your sandwich, and drink your milk,” Shelby directed.


  “You are not having cookies, Lily Anne. If you don’t want the sandwich, then just drink your milk.”

  “Fine.” Lily rolled her eyes again for good measure and quickly reached for the offending beverage being sure to reach a little too far causing the glass to tip and spill milk everywhere. “Look Mama, it made a milkfall.”

  “A milkfall?” Shelby asked jumping up and grabbing a kitchen towel to begin clean up.

  “Yep, like a waterfall only with milk,” she explained watching the last of the milk pour from the table onto the floor.

  Sighing Shelby cleaned the last of the milk from the floor and table before pouring Lily another glass and placing it in front of Lily. Resuming her seat Shelby began to eat quietly, just watching Lily. She knew from Lily’s behavior that Lily wanted the cookies and was curious to know the lengths she would go to in order to get what she wanted.

  “Eat your sandwich and drink your milk,” Shelby directed once more as she finished her sandwich.

  “I don’t want it.” Crossing her arms in front of her Lily glared at Shelby before moving to pick Albie up from the empty chair. “Mama’s being mean, Albie. She won’t let me have the cookies and wants me to drink nasty milk.”

  Holding her smirk Shelby stood and took her plate and Lily’s toward the counter. “You need to finish your milk and then I’ll tuck you in before I get ready for bed.”

  “I don’t want the milk and I’m still hungry.”

  “You chose not to eat what I made, Lily. You are not getting cookies. Now, drink your milk.”

  Lily narrowed her eyes and began sniffling when Shelby dumped her perfectly good sandwich down the garbage disposal. Putting Albie back in the empty chair, Lily stood up and took the glass of milk in her hand as her tummy audibly growled. “Mama?”

  Shelby put down the dishtowel and turned from the sink. Bending so she could look Lily in the eye she hoped that Lily was ready to drink the milk. “Yes?”

  “I’m done with my milk,” Lily stated pouring the entire glass over Shelby’s head while smiling broadly.

  Saying nothing Shelby stood to her full height and picked the kitchen towel back up. Wiping herself as best as she could, she then cleaned up the floor
before heading to the laundry room. Slipping her shirt over her head she slipped off her pants as well and returned to the kitchen in only her bra and panties. Lily was standing on a chair and reaching for the cookies.

  “Lily Anne Prescott, if you move one more inch I am going to spank you now and then again before bed with the hairbrush.” Shelby’s voice was deadly and Lily slowly turned on the chair to face Shelby.

  “I’m hungry,” Lily tried explaining, dropping her hand from the top of the refrigerator where she was so close to liberating her beloved cookies.

  “Get off that chair, get Albie, and come with me.”

  “I’m hungry, Mama,” Lily whined again getting off the chair as slowly as possible.

  “You had your chance to eat and chose not to finish your sandwich.” Shelby moved and grabbed Lily with one hand and picked up the stuffed bear in the other. “You are going to sit in time out while I get cleaned up and then we are going to have a chat about pouring milk on Mama.”

  Lily gulped, the tears already starting as Shelby pulled her down the hallway to her bedroom. Taking the desk chair from its place she put it in the corner and pointed. “Sit down and do not move. I will know if you do and trust me, little girl, you do not want to disobey me right now.”

  “But Mama…”

  Placing her in the chair Shelby made sure to hand Lily her bear as she kneeled. “No Lily. You are in time out and I am going to get cleaned up. I love you, but you need time to think about why you did something that naughty.”

  Lily sniffled again and Shelby stood kissing Lily on the top of her head. “I will be back as quickly as I can. Do not move from this corner.”

  “Yes Mama.”

  “Good girl.”

  * * *

  Hugging Albie tightly, Lily turned her head and watched as Shelby exited the room. Sniffling she buried her face in the bear and sighed deeply. “I’m in big trouble, Albie.” Her whisper was met with silence and Lily began to think about what she had done.