Broadway Baby Read online

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  Lily gulped but nodded slowly. This is what she wanted, right? Might as well jump in with both feet. “What else?”

  “I will make rules and expect you to follow them. And when they are broken,” Shelby raised an eyebrow and smirked as Lily stopped her protest, “when they are broken there will be consequences.”

  “What type of consequences?” Lily asked quietly.

  “I am a very firm believer in spankings for my little girl,” Shelby began. “But there may also be groundings or a loss of privileges. It all depends on the situation. However,” Shelby’s tone deepened and she looked into the teen’s face. “If you do something dangerous or lie to me then you will face a spanking.”

  “How will you, I mean…” Lily trailed off not able to say the word. “How will you do it?”

  “I find that bare bottom, over my knee, with my hand is usually pretty effective. Though sometimes very naughty little girls might need the hairbrush.”

  Shelby held Lily and rubbed her back gently allowing Lily to digest everything she’d said. The quiet was suddenly broken by Lily’s stomach rumbling and Shelby found the blush Lily now wore adorable. “It seems someone is hungry. Come on, honey, we’ll go get you something to eat and then you and Mama need to have a long discussion about the choices you made last night.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Lily’s voice sounded younger somehow and Shelby only nodded as she stood and held out her hand.

  “You are, but we’ll talk about it after you eat.”

  “Yes, Mama,” Lily agreed holding onto Shelby’s hand and allowing herself to be taken toward the kitchen and a new beginning. As she crossed the threshold of the bedroom however, Lily stumbled. “Mama I don’t feel very good.”

  Shelby stopped and looked down at Lily. “No, I suppose you don’t feel very well. Do you have a headache?”

  Lily nodded, “And a tummy ache.”

  “Well then, let’s get you to the kitchen and feed you before we talk and give you a bath.

  “Okay Mama,” Lily slowly followed Shelby from the bedroom to the kitchen.

  * * *

  Lily pouted as she stared at the dry toast and glass of juice in front of her. “I still don’t see why I can’t just have coffee.”

  “Because little girls do not drink coffee.”

  “But I always have coffee for breakfast,” Lily protested as she swung her feet from the bar chair in the kitchen and let her toes drum against the island.

  “Stop kicking, Lily,” Shelby directed. “And you used to have coffee for breakfast. You will now be eating something and having juice or if you prefer almond or soy milk so it doesn’t bother your voice.”

  Sighing heavily, Lily stopped kicking the island before turning in her chair to look up at Shelby, “Are you trying to kill me?”

  Lily frowned as Shelby’s eyebrow raised and she put her piece of toast down. “Excuse me, little girl?”

  “I’m just asking a question. I mean no coffee is bad enough but you want me to have milk too?”

  “It’s good for you.”

  “It’s gross,” Lily wrinkled her nose. “I only like milk, real milk, in milkshakes.”

  “Mmmmm,” Shelby replied picking up the paper.

  Ripping her toast into pieces Lily looked up at Shelby. “So could I have that for breakfast?”

  Smiling when Shelby put down the paper to look at her, Lily scowled at the woman’s answer, “No, you may not have a milkshake for breakfast.”

  “Well, I’m not eating this,” Lily declared pushing her plate of uneaten toast away. “My tummy doesn’t feel like eating.”

  “You need to eat something, Lily. Trust me, you’ll feel better.”

  “Don’t wanna,” Lily pouted and climbed off the bar chair.

  “Where are you going?” Shelby’s voice stopped her cold.

  “To watch cartoons?”

  “The only place you are going is back on this chair so you can eat something.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Rolling her eyes Shelby walked over to Lily. Taking the girl by the arm she turned her sideways and gave Lily one hard swat. “Sit, now. I’ll make you some oatmeal.”

  Rubbing her bottom dramatically Lily stared at Shelby for a long moment. “You spanked me.”

  “I gave you a warning. Believe me you will know it when I spank you. Now go sit down.”

  Groaning, Lily slowly did as Shelby asked. Putting her head on the kitchen counter she closed her eyes and sighed. Not getting a reaction she opened one eye and looked toward Shelby. Shelby was putting the teakettle on to boil water for the dreaded oatmeal.

  Lily sighed again this time louder. Still no reaction. Wondering what she was doing wrong, Lily sat up slightly and put her chin in her hands. Seeing the oatmeal packet being opened and put into a bowl brought the loudest sigh yet along with a groan.

  “Is there something wrong?” Shelby asked, the corners of her lips twitching upward.

  “I don’t want any ole’ yucky oatmeal either. It’s almost as bad as milk.”

  “It will settle your tummy,” Shelby held up her hand. “Not another word. I am making you oatmeal and you will eat some of it. Then you and I are going to talk.”

  A short time later, Lily managed to choke down half a bowl of the dreaded oatmeal and drink all the juice under Shelby’s glare. “Go wait for me on the couch, Lily.”

  Sliding off the bar chair, Lily pouted all the way to the couch. She had really wanted her coffee and that oatmeal was horrible. It did make her feel better, but she wasn’t about to admit that to Shelby.

  Tucking her feet up under her, Lily leaned back into the couch and pulled a pillow into her lap. Hugging it she wished that she had some type of stuffed animal to hug instead.

  Hearing footsteps Lily looked up and wrinkled her brow in confusion. Shelby was entering with two mugs. “Here,” Shelby held a mug out to her and Lily took it slowly.

  “I thought I wasn’t allowed to have coffee.”

  “Little you isn’t allowed coffee,” Shelby smirked. “But right now I think that adult you and I need to talk and I figured you might enjoy the coffee.”

  “Thank you. Oh, that’s divine,” Lily moaned as she tasted the wonderful beverage. “So what did you want to talk about?”

  “Where we go from here,” Shelby took a sip of her coffee and continued. “I know we brushed on this earlier but I wanted to talk to you before Mama and Lily have their first serious talk. We also need to talk about our adult relationship.”

  Lily put her half empty mug on the coffee table and pulled her legs up wrapping her arms around her knees. “Do you not want a grown up relationship with me anymore?”

  “Oh, no, Lily, that’s not what I meant at all,” Shelby placed her empty mug on the coffee table as well and moved to pull Lily into her arms. “I just mean that we are going to discuss how our adult relationship will differ from Mama and Lily.”

  “What do you mean?” Lily moved to curl into Shelby.

  “First, I want you to understand that there will never be anything sexual between Mama and little you. When you are little, you are little and I am the mama. That is a line that we will not cross. Though I am hoping that Shelby and Lily have an intimate relationship,” Shelby added with a wink.

  Lily blushed and nodded her understanding. “What about the other stuff? I mean I’ve never done this before.”

  “The other stuff?”

  “You know spankings and groundings and stuff,” Lily finally managed to get out.

  “Ah,” Shelby bent down and brushed Lily’s lips gently. “Spankings can be for pleasure as well as pain, Lily.” Shelby stated as Lily gently touched her lips when Shelby pulled back from the kiss.

  “Really?” Brown eyes looked up into hazel. “They can?”

  “They can. Someday I will teach you about those types of spankings. Know, though, that when Shelby spanks Lily for punishment it will be much different than when Mama does.”

  “How so?”

  “For one, I’ll be dealing with the adult you, and I expect more from an adult than a little. So the spankings will be different, the punishments will be different. I won’t punish you like a little girl, but like a woman.”

  “So coming here drunk?”

  “Oh, that is a big girl punishment, sweetie. Throwing a tantrum over your new bedtime would be a little girl punishment.”

  “What about accidently eating all of your Twizzler Bites at intermission?”

  Shelby chuckled. “Oh I think that’s definitely little Lily. It was also the reason I swatted you the first time on stage. I went to my dressing room to grab some sugar and it had all been eaten.”

  “I was out,” Lily grinned at Shelby. “Besides, you had the ones with all the tropical flavors. All Steve had were the black ones, ick.”

  Shelby gave a full laugh and leaned to kiss Lily again. “You are a scamp, Lily Prescott.”

  Lily giggled and hugged Shelby close, “I still can’t believe you want a relationship with me. All sides of me.”

  “I want nothing more, sweetie. Now, about today. We are going to head to your place and pick up some of your personal things and bring them back here. After that, I think we need to go shopping for little you. There are a few things we’re going to need.”

  “Like what?”

  “You’ll find out,” Shelby grinned at Lily’s pout. “And then, right before bed, you and I are going to have a conversation about being brought home drunk when you are not supposed to be legally drinking yet.”

  “Oh, am I in a lot of trouble, Shelby?”

  “That depends.”

  “Depends on what?”

  “How much trouble you need to be in for this, Lily. After all, we didn’t have this type of relationship when you were brought here last night.”

  “But we do now,” Lily shrugged. “Maybe a part of me wanted to be in trouble with you. I knew if Steve and Cally brought me here then I might at least get one night were I felt somebody cared. Cared in the way I needed, I mean.”

  “Well, kiddo, I do care. And I’m going to show you just how much tonight before bed.”

  Shelby watched as Lily began to draw a pattern on her leg as she became very quiet. Shelby waited for a few moments before speaking. “What are you thinking, Lily?”

  “That having Cally and Steve bring me here last night seemed like a good idea at the time but now I’m wondering exactly what I was thinking.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing. After all, you now know that I do care and that we will be talking about this more later.” Shelby felt Lily shift again and became concerned at the look on the brunette’s face.

  “Lily?” Shelby’s voice brought the teen from her thoughts. “What’s wrong?”

  “I guess it’s finally hitting me,” Lily took a deep breath. “Wanting this type of a relationship as an abstract thought is a lot different than when it’s staring you in the face.”

  “Or in your case, bottom,” Shelby teased moving her arm to pat the girl’s backside gently.

  They sat in comfortable silence for a while, and Shelby was amazed that it seemed so easy for them to agree to this type of relationship. “How about that bath?” Shelby broke the silence and tapped Lily’s nose with her finger gently as those chocolate eyes looked up at her.

  “That sounds nice.”

  “Well then, I think it’s time for Mama to give Lily a bath.”

  “Will there be bubbles?” Lily asked hopefully.

  “Of course,” Shelby reassured Lily.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Lily slid from Shelby’s lap and allowed herself to sink into little Lily more fully than she ever had before.

  * * *

  “Wow,” Lily exclaimed as Shelby led Lily back toward the bedroom and into the attached bath. The bathroom was huge with a large sunken tub and separate shower. There was plenty of natural light from windows that ran along the top of the outside wall.

  “Like it?” Shelby asked.

  “I could swim in there, Mama! It’s huge.” Lily was obviously excited and Shelby shook her head at how easy it seemed for Lily to become little.

  Sitting Lily on the top of the toilet, Shelby began to run the water for the tub. Remembering the three in one bodywash she had bought when her niece had visited a few months before, Shelby decided it would be the perfect way to introduce Lily to bath time. It made wonderful bubbles and made it easier to clean the little girl because she didn’t have to worry about separate soap and shampoo. Looking at Lily, Shelby’s voice was serious, “I will be right back with your bubbles. Do not move and do not try and get into the tub.”


  Lily took the time to release the pressure on her bladder and was once more sitting on the toilet lid when Shelby returned with the bodywash as well as some clean clothing she had bought for her niece.

  Pouring some of the wash into the bath she noted Lily’s eyes light up, “Are those the bubbles?”

  “Yep,” Shelby smiled before turning from the tub and placing the bodywash on the counter and then retrieving a large washcloth and towel from the wardrobe along the wall. Placing the items on the counter with the clothes Shelby reached under the sink and retrieved a new purple toothbrush.

  Lily smiled shyly and quickly moved to brush her teeth while Shelby turned the water off in the tub.

  “Alright you, time to get you undressed and into the tub. Arms up,” Shelby directed, glad when Lily seemed to have no hesitation allowing her to help. Then again Lily was used to fast clothing changes between scenes and modesty was a luxury not really afforded one in the theater. You changed off stage in the wings as quickly as possible and whoever saw you, saw you. You got over it and moved on.

  Shelby slowly took in Lily’s body and smiled at what she saw. She was perfectly proportioned for her size and Shelby could only imagine the things she could do when they started to play.

  Patting Lily’s sparse curls that covered her most intimate area Shelby noticed the slight blush. “We’ll have to shave that after your bath. Mama’s little girl needs to be smooth. Now, into the tub with you.” Holding onto Lily’s arm, Shelby helped her into the deep tub and laughed when Lily ducked under the water and immediately began giving herself a bubble beard losing herself completely in little Lily.

  “This is fun, Mama.” Lily giggled as she made a lone horn on her head with her hair. “Look, I’m a unicorn.”

  “I see that,” Shelby chuckled. “And a lovely unicorn you are, Lily.”

  Kneeling next to the tub, Shelby wet the washcloth and began to slowly wash Lily’s back. After a time, Shelby moved the cloth to Lily’s pert breasts and massaged the mounds under the cloth. As she continued to bathe her, Shelby explored other areas, making sure to attend to every inch of Lily’s body.

  Wringing out the washcloth Shelby placed it on the side of the tub. Moving her hands to Lily’s hair, Shelby had her duck under the water again and gently massaged the soap through the long locks. Satisfied she had Lily move and put her head under the faucet. Turning on the water Shelby rinsed the soap from Lily’s hair and then had Lily sit up. Pulling the plug she chuckled at Lily’s pout as she helped her stand.

  “Be careful, Lily, I don’t want you to slip getting out of the tub.”

  Lily nodded and sighed in contentment as Shelby held out a large fluffy towel and helped wrap it around her. “This towel is soft, Mama. I like it.”

  “Well then, you may use it whenever you take a bath,” Shelby informed her.

  “Thanks!” Lily hugged the towel closer to her and stood still as Shelby reached for the comb.

  Shelby was gentle as she combed out Lily’s hair before putting it in a loose braid. “There, that will be better as it dries. Now, go out to the bed and wait for me, Lily.”

  * * *

  Lily nodded and scampered to the bedroom to wait. Sitting down on the bed, she watched the bathroom door and wondered what Shelby was doing. Mama had mentioned shaving her private area
and Lily wondered if she would truly do that.

  Yawning, Lily allowed her mind to wander slightly. She still couldn’t believe that she was sitting on Shelby Bishop’s bed after having been bathed by her as one would a young child. The warmth in her tummy made her feel content and she knew without a doubt that if this thing worked with Shelby the way she wanted, she would never feel the need to search for a mama or a lover again.

  Hearing footsteps brought Lily from her thoughts, and she once more focused on the bathroom door giggling when she saw that Shelby had her arms full.

  “And what are you laughing at, little girl?” Shelby teased putting the items down on the bed.

  “You looked silly carrying all of those things, Mama.”

  Shelby smiled warmly at Lily. “I am so glad I amuse you, baby girl. Now, stand up for a minute so I can put a fresh towel down.”

  After Lily followed her directions, Shelby said, “Okay, let’s get this on you, and then you can lie down.” She held up a lined tank top and helped Lily put it on taking the other towel and placing it in the bathroom.

  “I need you to lie on the bed with your bottom on the fresh towel, Lily,” Shelby instructed.

  “How come?”

  “I am going to shave you, Lily. I told you that Mama likes her little girl bare.”

  “Oh, will it hurt?” Lily asked.

  “Not one bit,” Shelby reassured Lily. “It may tickle a little though or just feel funny. I need you to be a big girl and lie very still. Can you do that for Mama?”

  Lily nodded, “I can do that, Mama. I can be your big girl.”

  “Good,” Shelby leaned down and kissed the tip of Lily’s nose. “That’s my good girl,” she praised.

  Seeing Shelby pull a can of shaving gel from the pile she had brought into the bedroom Lily wondered exactly what shaving her would entail. She didn’t have to wait long as she felt Shelby adjust her at the foot of the bed. Feeling as if Shelby had presented her sex on a platter Lily watched in fascination as Shelby grabbed another towel, a damp washcloth, and finally the razor from her supply pile.