Broadway Baby Read online

Page 3

  Watching as Shelby finally picked up the shaving gel Lily tried to get comfortable as Shelby rubbed the gel between her fingers. Gasping briefly when Shelby’s hands touched her sex, she allowed herself to give in to the sensory experience she was being given as gentle fingers rubbed the shaving gel all over her nether regions causing pulses of pleasure as well as making her wonder what would come next.

  Lily hadn’t been aware she was even moving until she heard Shelby’s, “Hold still,” along with a light tap that she felt on her thigh. Lily instantly stilled her leg but her breathing remained fast and the fact was, she was rather enjoying the experience of being shaved for the first time.

  “I’m going to be using the razor now, Lily. I need you to hold very still for me.”

  “Okay, Mama,” Lily whispered.

  Feeling the blade running down her slowly and steadily, Lily breathed deeply, mirroring Shelby’s even breaths. The motions seemed to simultaneously go on forever and yet they also seemed over within a moment. All too soon Lily felt the damp washcloth being moved over her newly shaved area before it was dried completely with the towel. Lily watched once more as Shelby leaned down between her legs and stopped for a moment before feeling the gentle kiss on her now bare skin. Lily felt as if she were melting. Being shaved was certainly something she enjoyed more than she thought she would.

  Wishing that Shelby hadn’t moved her head from between her thighs already Lily figured that they would have time to get to know each other better in that way later. Right now, Lily supposed Mama was probably deciding what they were going to do for the day after Lily was finished getting ready.

  Chapter Two

  Lily was staring at what seemed to be the never-ending supply of stuffed animals around her. After gathering some personal items from her apartment and taking them to Shelby’s, the women had already been shopping for clothes and other things Shelby deemed necessary for little Lily. Lily had then been surprised when their cab pulled in front of FAO Schwarz.

  Lily loved the store, and couldn’t believe that Shelby had told her they would be getting her some toys and books. She stayed close to Shelby until they came to the floor with the stuffed animals. The colorful plushes drew her like a magnet.

  Her hand reached out to a stuffed pig that caught her eye. He was pink and soft. Not too floppy and had the cutest ears and tail. Tucking him into her arms she smiled and decided that this pig had to go home with her.

  Turning to find Shelby, Lily’s eyes caught another plush animal. It was a brown bear. He looked rather clownish and fun and reminded her of a bear named Albie she’d had as a child. Her father had given it to her, and when he left her mother had thrown the bear out in a fit of anger. Lily remembered crying for days over the incident and had never really wanted another stuffed toy to take his place, at least not until now. Reaching out Lily, couldn’t resist, and pulled the brown bear to her, hugging it close.

  “Find a stuffed animal you like?”

  Lily started and nodded looking up at Shelby. Feeling her eyes begin to tear Lily sniffed slightly and pushed the thoughts from her head “Can I get these, please?”

  “Lily, what’s wrong?”

  “I, I’ll tell you later. Is it okay to get both of them?”

  Shelby smiled and nodded, “Of course, sweetie. I’ve already checked out our other items and am having them delivered to the apartment. Let’s go buy these guys and head home.”

  “I’d like that,” Lily hugged the bear to her tighter and handed Shelby the pig. “Here, you hold him and I’ll hold Albie,” she directed before inserting her now free hand into one of Shelby’s as they walked to the check-out counter.

  Lily happily skipped inside the apartment and immediately took the stuffed animals from the bag she was carrying. Dropping the bag on the floor she shed her light coat and kicked off her shoes also leaving them on the floor. “I’m going to go play, Mama.”

  “Hold it, young lady.”

  Turning at the tone in Shelby’s voice Lily sighed heavily, “Yes?”

  “You need to hang your coat up, throw the bag away, and put your shoes in the basket.”

  “Can’t you do it for me?”

  “No, Lily. You can do it.”

  “But I wanna play,” Lily whined.

  “And you can,” Shelby crouched to look Lily in the eyes. “But first you need to do what I asked you to do. The other things from the stores will be delivered soon and I want to be able to set up your room as soon as the bedding and other items get here.”

  “Fine.” Lily took a deep breath and laid her stuffed toys gently on the floor next to her feet. Moving heavily she slowly picked up her coat and put it on one of the lowest hooks of the hall tree. She then tossed her tennis shoes into the basket, and slowly picked up the plastic bag with a huge sigh and practically dragged herself to the kitchen where she could throw it away.

  Holding in her smile Shelby hugged Lily as she returned to her, “Thank you, Lily. You did a very good job, now you may play.”

  “Thanks.” Lily immediately ran to her animals and scooped them up before running toward the living area.

  “No running, Lily Anne.”

  “Okay Mama.”

  * * *

  Shelby watched for a few moments as Lily began to have some sort of conversation with her stuffed animals. She knew they would talk more later, but for now was glad to let little Lily play. “Lily, I’m going to go move things around in your room.”

  Lily nodded and Shelby walked down the hall. Passing her room and the second bathroom she also passed her office, and her music room before stopping at the door on the end of the hall. Pushing it open she flicked on the light and stepped inside. It was currently her guest room and Shelby figured that she could move most of her music into her office and rearrange a few things to make that room her new guest room.

  The rooms were around the same size and her piano was in the formal living room so there was no reason to worry about trying to fit the small baby grand into a different bedroom. Looking around, Shelby smiled. This room was perfect for Lily. It had two corner windows, which let in a lot of natural light and yet there was another free corner that she figured would get some use as well.

  The soft tan walls with the sage trim would be fine for now. If Lily wanted to she could always have it painted differently later. Shelby knew the pastel patchwork comforter and accessories would be perfect. She had honestly thought Lily would pick something more juvenile, but Lily had told her she liked all the colors because they were fun.

  Then again, the purple, hot pink, and lime green pillows that would grace the bed screamed child in Shelby’s mind. They had also picked up a large beanbag chair and a colorful area rug to cover the hardwood floor. The furniture was light wood and childish enough that Shelby didn’t feel the need to replace it unless Lily mentioned something to her. She had caught Lily staring at a white canopy bed and filed it away for later.

  A loud thud and curse brought Shelby from her thoughts and she hurried back to the living area. Stopping short she saw that her side chair was now on its side, literally and Lily was staring down at it, shaking her head.

  “Lily, what happened?”

  “The chair wouldn’t cooperate, Mama.”

  “What do you mean, Lily Anne?” Shelby’s voice lowered as she took in the room noticing for the first time all the couch cushions on the floor in a line in front of the chair as well as the coffee table pushed to the fireplace.

  “Well, I wanted to jump on the chair really high,” Lily began. “But it wouldn’t let me so I ran on all the cushions and jumped into the chair and then it let me.” Lily’s expression turned into a pout.

  “It would only let me get one good jump so I decided to get more good jumps than that and jump on it like a trampoline. So I ran again really fast and jumped and tried to do that but I tripped and hit my knee. The dumb chair made me hurt my knee and I still didn’t get to jump on it really high.”

  “That’s becau
se furniture is not to be used as a trampoline, Lily Anne.”

  “But it’s fun and I want to do it again!” Lily stomped her foot and glowered up at Shelby. “And the dumb old chair is just lying there and I can’t get it up again. And these couch cushions aren’t springy enough, see?” Lily began to bounce on the cushion closest to her. “It’s lame.”

  Grabbing Lily mid jump Shelby turned the girl and gave her bottom a half dozen crisp swats. “Lily Anne, you do not jump on furniture.”

  Lily sniffled and rubbed her stinging backside, “You’re a meanie. I wanna jump!” Lily demanded and once more began to jump on the cushion as hard and high as she could.

  “Lily Anne, stop that!”

  “Make me!” Lily countered sticking her tongue out at Shelby before putting her thumbs in her ears to join the tongue in her taunt.

  Taking a deep breath, Shelby grabbed Lily by the arm and easily pulled her off the cushion and down the hallway. Entering Lily’s new room Shelby placed the girl into the open corner with a heavy swat. “Do not move.”

  She then moved to the window and lowered the blinds to be sure of their privacy. “You are in a time out, Lily Anne, and you will stay there until I tell you it’s time to come out.”

  “I hate the corner,” Lily turned and began to walk toward the door.

  Shelby was next to her in an instant, “I have had enough of this attitude, Lily Anne.” Moving toward the bed Shelby sat down and easily pulled her across her lap.

  “Mama no! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I’ll stand in the dumb old corner,” Lily cried.

  “You had your chance, little girl. You have earned this spanking, Lily Anne. I care about you too much not to give you something you have honestly earned.”

  Divesting Lily of her pants and panties, Shelby moved Lily so most of Lily’s upper body was supported by the bed. She raised her left hand and brought it down sharply on the upturned bottom in front of her. She didn’t spank Lily hard, but the swats were constant, and after about twenty of them Lily was limp over Shelby’s lap sobbing her heart out with a now rather pink bottom. Stopping, Shelby rubbed circles on Lily’s back before helping her return to an upright position. Opening her arms Shelby rocked Lily as she flew into her arms and onto her lap and tried to find a comfortable spot.

  “That hurt,” Lily sniffed.

  “Spankings are meant to hurt,” Shelby said dryly. “That was just a reminder, Lily.”

  “A reminder?”

  “A reminder that I am the mama and you are the little girl. When I tell you no, I expect you to listen to me. Furniture is not to be jumped on, do you understand?”

  “Yes Mama, I understand.” Lily sniffed. “And my hiney understands even better.” Tucking her head on Shelby’s shoulder Lily sniffed again. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen, Mama.”

  “That’s okay, sweetie. All is forgiven.” Shelby rocked Lily in her arms and kissed the top of her head. “Come on, let’s go put you in my bed for a nap.”

  “I don’t want a nap.”

  “I’m sure you don’t, but I think you need one. I’ll tuck you in and go get Albie and your new pig. They can take a nap with you.”

  “They can?” Lily’s chocolate eyes held Shelby’s hazel ones and Lily smiled slightly. “I guess that’s okay then, if they don’t keep me up.”

  Shelby smirked, “I will be sure to tell them to let you sleep.”

  “Okay Mama,” Lily yawned slightly. “And I’ll tell them what happens when you don’t listen to Mama.”

  “You do that, Lily,” Shelby whispered quietly carrying Lily down the hall with Lily’s head on her shoulder.

  * * *

  Shelby smiled at the finished bedroom in front of her. Everything had been delivered and she had taken advantage of Lily sleeping through all the noise to get the room set up. She was sure Lily would love it and couldn’t wait to share it with little Lily.

  Looking at the clock she decided that Lily had napped long enough and went to her bedroom to wake her up. They could have an early dinner and then deal with the discussion to address Lily’s drunken state the night before. Thankful that they could sleep in the next morning, and that it was a seven p.m. curtain call, Shelby figured they could also work things out in regards to how they would act toward each other at the theater.

  Entering her own bedroom, Shelby watched Lily sleep for a moment. The teen looked so young, and Shelby still couldn’t believe the change in her life. Things seemed to be moving so quickly, and yet not at all. They’d slipped into their roles as Mama and Lily so easily, that it seemed they had always been together in that way. Yet, time seemed to stand still as they began to navigate their way around being just being Shelby and Lily. Everything felt so right in regards to Lily and Shelby wasn’t going to question it. She couldn’t deny that she’d had feelings for Lily since they began to work together a little over a year ago. It still seemed strange that Lily had felt the same way about her.

  Moving to the bed Shelby climbed on and rubbed Lily’s back slowly. “Time to wake up, baby.” Leaning down she gave Lily a kiss to the cheek.

  Lily rolled over and chocolate eyes fluttered open. Smiling sleepily she hugged her bear to her chest and yawned, “Hi Mama.”

  “Hello, did you sleep well?”

  “Yeah.” Lily sat up and easily fell into Shelby’s arms.

  “I’m glad to hear it. The stores delivered everything during your nap and your bedroom is all set up for you.”

  “It is?” Lily shook off her sleepiness and slipped from the bed before Shelby could react running down the hallway to her new room.

  Following Lily down the hallway, Shelby’s smile fell as she entered the room, “Lily Anne, stop jumping on the bed right now!”

  “Aw Mama, it’s not a chair,” Lily pouted but did as she was told rather quickly.

  “I am aware of that,” Shelby entered the room and looked pointedly at Lily. “But weren’t you just spanked for jumping on the furniture?”

  Lily picked up her bear from the bed where she’d left it and nodded. “I forgot. Sorry Mama.”

  “It’s alright just don’t do it again,” Shelby ended the reminder with a quick swat.

  “Ouch Mama! That wasn’t needed,” Lily huffed as she rubbed her bottom with one hand.

  Holding out her hand, Shelby said nothing, but waited for Lily to take it. When she did Shelby began to lead her from the room. “Come on you. We’re going to have an early dinner and then we need to discuss you being brought home drunk last night.”

  “Can’t we just have an early dinner and then snuggle on the couch and watch a movie?” Lily asked.

  “Maybe next time,” Shelby replied. “How do you feel about spaghetti tonight?”

  “I love spaghetti,” Lily said quietly.

  “Me too,” Shelby put her arm around the teen and pulled her close. “You okay?”

  Lily nodded and pulled her bear up to her chin, “I’m fine, Mama. Bet I can beat you to the kitchen,” she challenged running down the hall.

  “Lily, no running in the apartment,” Shelby called after her wondering if Lily ever walked anywhere.

  * * *

  “All done, baby?” Shelby asked.

  “Yep.” Lily picked up her napkin as Shelby pointed to it and tried to wipe the sauce from her face. She wasn’t as successful as she hoped to be with the napkin, and had started to use her sleeve when Shelby stopped her.

  “Hold on there.” Shelby stood and wet a clean kitchen towel before returning to the table. Holding Lily’s face steady she cleaned off the remains of Lily’s dinner from her face and placed a kiss on Lily’s forehead. “I think another bath is in order after we get the kitchen cleaned up.”

  “Two baths today, Mama? I guess that’s okay as long as I get bubbles.”

  “Yes Lily, you may have another bath with bubbles. Now I need you to help me take the dishes to the sink.”

  “Aw Mama, I hate doing dishes,” Lily protested, but began to help with the chore a
fter noticing Shelby’s raised eyebrow.

  * * *

  Lily had enjoyed her bubble bath and was now sitting quietly in Shelby’s lap as she rocked her. The one major addition Shelby had bought for Lily’s room was the large rocking chair. Unlike its wooden counterparts this chair looked more like one you might find in a living room. It had a matching ottoman and was covered in a soft fabric with swirls of green, periwinkle, and tan throughout.

  Shelby was rocking the teen and humming while gathering her thoughts. Those thoughts were interrupted, however, by Lily. “Mama, can we talk?”

  “Of course.”

  Lily sighed and took a deep breath, “I think we need to discuss what you’re planning to do about the drinking, Shelby.”

  Looking at Lily in surprise, Shelby saw tears in Lily’s deep eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I don’t know if I can, I mean, what’s going to be different? I mean, I did that and came over here because I wanted my mama. Shouldn’t Mama be the one to punish me?”

  “What you did wasn’t very much like a little girl, Lily.”

  “But it was,” Lily curled into Shelby as much as she could pulling her bear close. “I was just trying to get your attention and that seemed the best way possible. I was acting like a little kid wanting her mom’s attention. I know I felt out of control and very scared with my feelings before you found my letter. I wasn’t acting much like an adult. If I had been I could have approached you and talked about this or given you the letter when I was stone cold sober. I didn’t. I acted like an irresponsible kid.”

  Shelby considered Lily’s words before speaking. “I see your point, Lily. I guess it is true that you acted more like an irresponsible teenager out to prove something to her mom than an adult.”

  “Does this mean Mama will take care of the punishment instead of Shelby?”

  “Can you tell me why it’s so important to you for Mama to handle this with little Lily and not Shelby with big Lily?”